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The Shoot Team

Grouse shooting

The Danby Estate west of Whitby is one of the most consistent grouse moors in the north of England. Depending on the breeding success of the birds and stocks allowing, shooting usually starts in late August and continues into October.

Shooting at Danby is managed in-hand under the stewardship of Head Keeper and a team of three beat keepers.

Danby Shoot Team Keepers

Spectacular views

Danby Moor is a magnificent grouse moor of more than 10,500 acres on the North York Moors. It lies at the upper end of the Esk valley which runs east/west to the ancient port of Whitby.

The Moor is divided in two: the High and Low Moors. There are dramatic views of the steep valleys breaking up the surrounding heather moorland plateau. In the distance you can see the North Sea coastline.

A warm welcome

A day at Danby starts with introductions to the Host and Head Keeper. A safety briefing then follows as to how the day will be run.

Mid-morning refreshments take place out in the field. This is followed by lunch in one of the two strategically located moorland lunch huts or in the Lunch Room at Danby Lodge.

The Lodge lunch table Danby

Nearby accommodation

Make a trip of it and enjoy some Yorkshire hospitality in local accommodation. Some suggestions are listed in Shooting.


For further information and availability, please contact James Stephenson, Head of Property and Sporting

For more information

If you need more details or would like to make a booking, please contact Head of Sporting or 07395 796468.

Our partridge and pheasant shooting days at our other Estate may also be of interest.